I was invited to be part of this fun game, My Writing Process Blog Tour, by the lovely Elodie. She will be releasing her first book, One, Two, Three, in June and I can’t wait to read it! You can (should) follow her on twitter and on her blog!

I was invited to be part of this fun game, My Writing Process Blog Tour, by the lovely Elodie. She will be releasing her first book, One, Two, Three, in June and I can’t wait to read it! You can (should) follow her on twitter and on her blog!
Last week, I posted My 2014 Plan – my general wants and “resolutions.” Now I’m going to talk about upcoming books …
I wrote and re-wrote this post so many times because I couldn’t make up my mind about what I was going to write this year. I have too many ideas and I want to rewrite my first three manuscripts (because the stories are great, but the writing sucked lol), I won’t be ever able to write everything I want to, even if I live to be 100 years old — the lack of stories is NEVER the case. Anyway …
Then I wrote a huge post explaining all the reasoning behind my choices (the ones I scratched and the ones I’m keeping) … but I decided to spare you of my insanity.
Anyway, after a lot of head banging and lots of f-words exploding in my mind, here’s my new, tentative calendar:
*Beside the extra holiday short, there’s one contemporary story that has been hammering in my mind for the last few weeks … it would be an older NA thing, sexier than my usual stories, and it would probably be a 2-book series. IF I can, I’ll squeeze this one in my calendar – but only if I don’t screw my other deadlines …
There you have it. My 2014 writing calendar. Doesn’t look too bad, does it?
For two years, I’ve been posting My [insert year here] Plan – I got the idea from Jani Grey, a very good friend of mine :)
I like that because it’s not like a resolution, where you feel obligated to accomplish everything and if you fail, you feel really bad. A plan is just that, a plan of your WANTS. It can work or not, but you’re working toward it – and it can change and adapt as it goes.
1. Read at least 60 books. Done! I wish I had read as much as 2012 (77 books), but I’m not sad with 60 …
2. Go to at least one conference. I went to BEA and met a lot of great peeps. I also participated of a signing (Stamford Author Event) and it was great.
3. Write more. I wrote 3 novels and a novella, adding to a little under 300,000 words.
4. Find at least one more reliable CP. And maybe a beta-reader or two. I did find them, but I don’t use them too much anymore.
5. Write reviews on Goodreads, Amazon and Barnes and Noble for the books I read and enjoy. Not Barnes and Noble, but I do review books on Goodreads and Amazon – even if it’s only one sentence.
6. Spend less time on Social Media. Hmm, yeah, let’s skip this one …
7. Publish at least 2 books. Done. I’ve published 3 novels and a novella!
8. Continue researching about what is best for me and my writing: I did, and still do. With the market always changing, it’s hard to make finite choices. And at this point, I wouldn’t advise it.
9. Participate on all rounds of ROW80. Fail. I started, but with moving and a lot of other stuff, I started posting less and less, until I didn’t participate anymore.
10. Keep going to the gym, lose 5 or 6 pounds and keep them off! Yes and no. At first, I lost 5 pounds! Then we moved and I hurt my back and had to rest for 3 months – I gained 10 lbs :(
11. Eat healthier. Not sure if this is a yes or no. I think I ate better, but not completely healthier …
12. Be more present. To my family. I think this was okay. There were times when I spaced-out thinking about my stories, but I think I’m pretty good mom and wife ;)
1. Read at least 60 books. I do hope to read more than that …
2. Write more. I wrote almost 300,000 words last year, but I want to write MORE! (I’ll blog about my upcoming books on a separate post).
3. Keep meeting with my great writing group. :D
4. Spend less time on Social Media. So I can write more.
5. Publish at least 3 books. I have plans to publish 5, but I know life can interfere and things can slow down.
6. Continue researching about what is best for me and my writing: to self-pub, to continue with a small press, or to query agents. Or maybe the three of them?
7. Keep exercising, lose at least 5 to 8 pounds and keep them off! Enough said.
Ugh, my 2014 plan looks so little compared to my 2013 plan, but I think some of it is because I’ve been constantly doing some of the things from my 2013 plan (like reviewing books on amazon and goodreads) and I don’t need to repeat them …
In 2013, I saw on a few friends’ blogs (Alex, Katy, Elodie and Ghenet) about The Word of the Year. My Word of the Year of 2013 was LOVE – and it was perfect.
For 2014, my word is:
Strength to go after my dreams, to do what I want, to write what I want and not care about what might fit the market, to publish the way I want (and take as long as I need to do so), to be brave and bold!
How about you? What are your WANTS for 2014? And what’s your Word of the Year?
Hey guys …
I just wanted to tell you all that I might not be online much for a couple of days. I’ll pop on twitter here and there, but I won’t blog (other than cover reveals and guest posts that are sent to me ready), and I’ll probably barely update my facebook page.
I want to apologize to the ladies organizing the Ready.Set.Write! challenge … I was looking forward to it, but I can’t participate of it anymore. I’m so sorry!
Anyway … take care, everyone!
I was going to attempt JuNoWriMo this month, but with all the things going on (editing Breaking the Reins, reading 4 books for author blurbs by June 18th, the NA Crush Tourney, organizing the Stamford Author Event, etc), I just can’t commit to writing 50k words in one month. Not anymore.
As if it was sent from heaven, I saw post from Alison Miller, Katy Upperman, Elodie Nowodazkij, Erin Funk, and Jaime Morrow yesterday about what they call Ready. Set. Write!
In Alison’s words: “Katy Upperman,Elodie Nowodazkij, Erin Funk, Jaime Morrow, and I are hosting the summer writing intensive Ready. Set. WRITE! and we’d LOVE for you to join us! We plan to kick off a summer of writing Tuesday June 11th and write, write, write for 2 months! We’ll update weekly on what we’ve been writing and our new goals for the week. Care to join us in our writing bliss?!”
I care!
Here are the details (copied from Alison’s blog):
Purpose: for drafting/revising/writing flash fiction or short stories—whatever! As long as we’re writing!
What we’ll do:
– Set weekly goals (or monthly or overall goals). Again—whatever works!
– Update weekly on What’s Up Wednesday (ya know—in theWhat I’m Writing section). We’ll share what we’ve accomplished and set goals for the new week. We can also include snippets or just gush about our stories. J
Don’t know about What’s Up Wednesday? Check it out here and here. And here.
Since it’s two months and there’s no minimum word count, I can totally do this!
Next week or so, I’ll start drafting Everlast #2 and this Summer intensive is perfect!
What do you think? What are your plans for the Summer?
A couple of weeks ago, my friend Jaime Morrow wrote a blog post called What to Write? As I read her post, I just nodded, as I understood every single word and feeling she spoke of. Then I remembered about Andrea Hannah’s post about writing the book after the book of your heart (thanks Jani and Dahlia for posting the link!).
(Bear with me, I’ll connect these two topics in this sorta venting/ranting post)
See, the thing is, I don’t think I wrote the book of my heart yet.
Ever since I decided to take writing seriously, I wrote *does the math* 6 novels (Destiny Gift, the one I’m self-pubbing next month, was #4), 4 novellas, 2 short stories, and several chapters and scenes that never became anything. I started about 10 new wips, wrote about 20k words in some of those – even 40k in 3 of them, I think – but never finished them. I have a folder with ideas – I just went through them the other day. There are hundreds of ideas there, and some of them have detailed outlines and even 300-500 words scenes written down … If I dove into them, I would have what to write for the rest of my life, no doubt. But none of them call to me the way I want to be called.
Right now, I’m working on two wips – one is 20,3000 words long, and the other is 27,200 words long – but they don’t call to me either. I have these moments when I get in the zone and write 2k or 3k words non-stop. But then I skip a day or two, cause I can’t get into it again. And these two wips aren’t new. I’ve been working on them for quite some time now. Though I would love to finish them NOW, I’m getting the feeling that I won’t. That these two projects will be the ones I pick in between other projects and take forever to finish …
During this journey, I found out that though I love and write contemporary, my heart is on the fantasy/paranormal department. Side note 1: I think that also influences the two wips I’m working on now – they both are contemporary. AND I just found books that have similarities to these wips.
My first 6 novels were fantasy/paranormal – you can see about them on the WIPs page. In order, I wrote Sands of Hope, Dark Pact, Princess of Magic (which isn’t there and never will be. It helped my writing A LOT, but it’s a generic story), Destiny Gift, Gypsy Heart, and Amber Energy. Then I wrote 47,000 words of Warrior’s Legend … and noticed it was too slow and started on the wrong place, and I should rewrite it all. But by then I was revising/editing Destiny Gift, preparing it for submissions, and I didn’t get to rewrite all the stories I wanted to.
Besides being my first serious manuscript, Sands of Hope was my first manuscript in English – so you see why it needs to be rewritten. My English will never be perfect, I know that, but it got so much better since then. The story also needs a BOOM, you know. I have to work on the outline, to include a bigger mystery … Still, I love it. I love the main characters, and the setting (Ancient Egypt, yay!), but now that I know how worldbuilding should work, I’m afraid of rewriting it. What if I mess this up? What if people read it and say “ha, it’s not like Ancient Egypt” … I know nobody will know that for sure, but still. I don’t want to sound like I’m an expert and get it all wrong.
Dark Pact may become the book of my heart some day. It’s high fantasy, which I love, but I don’t think I’m ready to write that yet. When I first wrote it, I was a newbie and had no idea how difficult it was … The story is different, unique like my “Megan” said. I wrote the 120k words that makes this story in 20 days. That’s how much I love it. BUT when I think about it, I want to change some details, pick up the pace, and the worldbuilding is also “wrong” … like any other, I want to rewrite it.
Princess of Magic was about a girl who found out she’s a mage, and a princess! Heard that one before? Yeah, I know. The story was bleh, but I think here was when my writing took a turn.
The next one was Destiny Gift. I love Destiny Gift – and I wrote it quickly, which means I was into it, I breathed and I dreamed about it. I think it’s good enough, otherwise I wouldn’t be self-pubbing it … but I know it’s not THE ONE.
Up to here, getting 6k words per day was normal. There were days I got 8-9k words. It felt good. Even if only half the words were usable. IT FELT GOOD … BUT here’s where everything changed. Here I became more active online. Here’s when I let the agents and editors’ wishlists influence me. Here’s when I met other writers and found out a few of my ideas were like their ideas.
I still managed to write Gypsy Heart without that influence, and I like this manuscript. Even so, it should be rewritten (I already have the new outline). But the plot is about a girl finding out she’s a special kind of Gypsies, with special magic, and there a tiny mystery that leads to the climax, and a bigger surprise there. That’s a lot going on, but it’s like all little stuff. It’s a nice, fast-paced adventure, but nothing in here is a BOOM. Maybe just the very end. AND there’s the whole girl finds out she’s not exactly human – which is way overdone.
Anyway, after Gypsy Heart all my ideas came with “what agent would like this?”, “are there other stories out that are similar to this one”, “is this genre crowded?” and other questions that really mess with my self-confidence. Then there was the submissions calls from small presses, and more agents’ wishlists, and contests with specific samples/entries.
Confession time: I haven’t finished an entire novel in almost a year. For someone who wrote six novels in less than 2 years, that’s HUGE! Yes, during the last year I finished novellas and short stories, I worked on revisions and editing a lot. But no novels. I feel like a failure because of that.
I can’t seem to focus long enough on one idea to write it for long. The problem is, I don’t think any of my ideas is good enough anymore, they don’t have the BOOM they would need to make it, to get an agent’s attention, to get an editor’s attention. Then I have a new, shiny idea … just to find out there’s a book that is about to be released that sounds just like it. And my mood goes down the drain again …
I know that writing these new ideas, even if they don’t have the BOOM, is better then not writing, that “wasting time” writing a manuscript that won’t sell isn’t actually wasting time, that it will help improve my craft … still, I really didn’t want to waste time. And I know that sounds ridiculous, especially in this career.
I think I keep waiting for THE ONE to hit me in the face. Look! New, shiny, PERFECT idea! With lots of BOOM! If only it was that easy … I think I elude myself that now that I have two novellas out, that everything I write will be publication-worthy. Worse: I think people, especially family and friends who don’t understand about writing and publishing, expect that every word I write from now on will be publication-worthy. Ha! I wish! I know that likely will never happen. Still, I can’t help wishing it …
One good thing of all of this mess is that I know my writing is improving. Last September I received an email from a known author telling me “Your voice is so rich, and your worldbuilding absolutely lush.” I won’t get in details of what she read and how she read it, and who she is … But you bet my confidence got a boost! And my CP and dear friend Jani keeps telling me that she notices my writing improving with each new thing I send her to read. Btw, Jani, I <3 you. So, see, I’m getting better. I think. I hope. The problem now is what to write?
Next, I should write DG#2, which has an outline already, since DG#1 is releasing soon, and I don’t want to have many months in between them. But I would rather write something else before it, so when I can busy my mind writing DG#2 while I’m querying this one. I hate not having another manuscript ready …
I would like to rewrite Sands of Hope and Gypsy Heart, and continue my Into the Darkest Fire short, cause there is a novel behind it, and come up with a BIG, SHINY idea. All at the same time. Dreaming, much? Side note 2: Into the Darkest Fire is about witches, witch hunters and ghosts … and, as you may know, there are thousands of books about that kind of story out there. I know, I know, I should bring something new to it, write it and stand by it. It’s easier said than done.
For real, I just want to start something and WANT to finish it. Even if it doesn’t have a BOOM. I just want to like it enough to finish it. I want to feel like I need to be writing it, cause I love it, cause I can’t get enough. I want to remember, to relive the days I wrote 6k words each day until the damned manuscript was done, cause I just couldn’t stop. I miss that!
Side note 3: I just did some math, adding the word counts to all main manuscript I wrote, and started, etc. Total = 800,000 words. I bet it’s even more, if I really search for every 1000 words I wrote here and there. I don’t know about you, but 800,000 words seems like A LOT!
Anyway, if you read it all, thank you for putting up with me. This was a long rant/venting …
And here’s to finding a WIP that inspires me again ;)
So, I began writing a new manuscript yesterday.
It had been ages, and I really mean a long long time, since I began a new project. Basically, I have been editing and revising for the last year and I am tired of it. Exhausted. So you can imagine my excitement—and nervousness— for starting something new after so long.
My enthusiasm wants me to write all the words in record time and to resist the siren call of the internet.
Related to this topic, I’m reading a book called 2k to 10k: Writing Faster, Writing Better, and Writing More of What You Love by Rachel Aaron—you probably read the blog post she wrote about it in 2011 (though I only found out about it late 2012). It was very useful and inspirational. Right after the huge response her blog post caused, she wrote a short book, with more techniques and explaining her outline process, etc. So far, I highly recommend this book to any writer.
One of her tricks is to get out of home and go to a place without internet. Since I don’t really want to leave home to write, I installed an add on called Nanny on Chrome that won’t allow me to surf the net during “business” hours. I’ve came across this addon after my husband showed me a paragraph on the book he’s reading (The CEO Manual) where the writer of the book confesses he can get easily lost in the internet and wouldn’t have finished that book if he hadn’t installed that add on on his browser.
I know exactly of what he’s talking about. And I don’t want to be like that. I love writing, then why am I not writing?
Side note: though I’m trying to find another one add one/program that will let me cut the internet on a schedule I come up with—anyone knows of one like that?
So, yeah, you won’t (or shouldn’t) see me online much for the next couple of weeks. Hopefully. And by then I’ll have a first draft written. Hopefully.
And … if you’re curious about my new manuscript, come back here Thursday … I’ll do one of those The Next Big Thing posts about it ;)
Happy writing to us!