Hi friends,
To make things easier, I created two other mailing lists–one for audiobooks news, and one for only new releases.
So, you now have 3 options:
- You can sign-up for my regular mailing list, which includes books news, cover reveals, promos, giveaways, and more. This email is sent every two weeks, more or less.
- You can sign-up to receive emails about new releases only. It’ll be shorter, highlighting only the new book. This one will more less frequent–maybe once a month, sometimes once every two months, depending on my release schedule.
- You can sign-up for an audiobook mailing list. I’ll send an email to this list only when I have news about audiobooks, new audiobook releases or promos. I don’t know how frequent this one will be, since I have only 4 audiobooks right now (but I’m working on 4 more!).
If you’re already on my regular mailing list and wants to continue like that, you don’t need to do anything.
If you’re already on my regular mailing list, but wants to change to one of the new ones, or both new ones, then please, sign-up for those. When I see your email on those lists, I’ll take it out of the regular list.
Does that make sense?