Hi friends,
I kinda love challenges. Last month, I won CampNaNo, and when Ghenet, a good friend of mine, mentioned she and other writers are hosting a bootcamp from May 1st to June 30th, I was very interested.
So, I joined the YA Buccaneers Spring Bootcamp exciting challenge and here are my goals:
- finish line-edits on The Everlasting Circle (The Everlast Trilogy, book 3) and send them back to my editor by the end of the week.
- finish revising Breaking Through (The Breaking Series, book 3) by the deadline (May 23rd) and send it to my editor for content editing.
- finish writing the first draft of my NA fantasy tentatively titled The Energy Within – I already have 32k word written so it shouldn’t take too long now.
I know it seems a lot, but I know it’s doable.
We have private groups on Facebook for support and also on twitter. And we’re using the hashtag #YABspring2016 on twitter and instagram – check us out!
So, why don’t you join us?
I bet you’ll do all that and more!
Just trying to recover from the A to Z Challenge. Then I will think about writing again.
Congrats in finishing C. Nanowrimo and ride into this boot camp on your stellar horse and crush all obstacles Juliana.