Happy New Year!
For two years, I’ve been posting My [insert year here] Plan – I got the idea from Jani Grey, a very good friend of mine :)
I like that because it’s not like a resolution, where you feel obligated to accomplish everything and if you fail, you feel really bad. A plan is just that, a plan of your WANTS. It can work or not, but you’re working toward it – and it can change and adapt as it goes.
Before I dive in My 2014 Plan, let’s revise My 2013 Plan:
1. Read at least 60 books. Done! I wish I had read as much as 2012 (77 books), but I’m not sad with 60 …
2. Go to at least one conference. I went to BEA and met a lot of great peeps. I also participated of a signing (Stamford Author Event) and it was great.
3. Write more. I wrote 3 novels and a novella, adding to a little under 300,000 words.
4. Find at least one more reliable CP. And maybe a beta-reader or two. I did find them, but I don’t use them too much anymore.
5. Write reviews on Goodreads, Amazon and Barnes and Noble for the books I read and enjoy. Not Barnes and Noble, but I do review books on Goodreads and Amazon – even if it’s only one sentence.
6. Spend less time on Social Media. Hmm, yeah, let’s skip this one …
7. Publish at least 2 books. Done. I’ve published 3 novels and a novella!
8. Continue researching about what is best for me and my writing: I did, and still do. With the market always changing, it’s hard to make finite choices. And at this point, I wouldn’t advise it.
9. Participate on all rounds of ROW80. Fail. I started, but with moving and a lot of other stuff, I started posting less and less, until I didn’t participate anymore.
10. Keep going to the gym, lose 5 or 6 pounds and keep them off! Yes and no. At first, I lost 5 pounds! Then we moved and I hurt my back and had to rest for 3 months – I gained 10 lbs :(
11. Eat healthier. Not sure if this is a yes or no. I think I ate better, but not completely healthier …
12. Be more present. To my family. I think this was okay. There were times when I spaced-out thinking about my stories, but I think I’m pretty good mom and wife ;)
Now, for MY 2014 Plan:
1. Read at least 60 books. I do hope to read more than that …
2. Write more. I wrote almost 300,000 words last year, but I want to write MORE! (I’ll blog about my upcoming books on a separate post).
3. Keep meeting with my great writing group. :D
4. Spend less time on Social Media. So I can write more.
5. Publish at least 3 books. I have plans to publish 5, but I know life can interfere and things can slow down.
6. Continue researching about what is best for me and my writing: to self-pub, to continue with a small press, or to query agents. Or maybe the three of them?
7. Keep exercising, lose at least 5 to 8 pounds and keep them off! Enough said.
Ugh, my 2014 plan looks so little compared to my 2013 plan, but I think some of it is because I’ve been constantly doing some of the things from my 2013 plan (like reviewing books on amazon and goodreads) and I don’t need to repeat them …
In 2013, I saw on a few friends’ blogs (Alex, Katy, Elodie and Ghenet) about The Word of the Year. My Word of the Year of 2013 was LOVE – and it was perfect.
For 2014, my word is:
Strength to go after my dreams, to do what I want, to write what I want and not care about what might fit the market, to publish the way I want (and take as long as I need to do so), to be brave and bold!
How about you? What are your WANTS for 2014? And what’s your Word of the Year?
This sounds like a great plan! Best wishes for 2014!
Sounds like a solid plan. Wow, 5 books in a year? Best of luck! :)
You can do it! I know I’ve scaled back the social media to write more.
Love your plan for the year! It’s great that many things from 2013 have become habit so you don’t have to add them to the list this time. And strength is a lovely word for the year! I haven’t picked mine yet lol. We shall see what 2014 brings :P
This is kind of what I do, too. I’m not making any resolutions this year, but I do have some goals. :) Good luck with yours! Sounds like you had an awesome 2013, I’m sure 2014 will be great too!
Your plan might sound less than last year’s, but you’ll be busier than ever. It’s a great list. Can’t wait to read everything!
Good luck with your plan this year! Looking forward to more writing dates. :)