You guys remember I already did The Next Big Thing, right?
So, I was tagged again by two dear friends: Priya Kanarpati and Magan Vernon. Hi, ladies, thank you!
And, since I have another WIP to talk about, I’m doing it again ;)
What is the working title of your next book?
Breaking the Reins
Where did the idea come from for the book?
From this music video:
What genre does your book fall under?
NA Contemporary Romance
Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
Hm, what if they are not actors? I have the perfect people on my Pinterest board, but they are older than I wanted to. Though, for actors, I choose these:
Maxi Iglesias as Leo (maybe hair a little longer?)
Lyndsy Fonseca as Hannah (still older than I wanted. Lyndsy is 25, and Hannah is 20)
GUYS! The model of the cover! If I could show her to y’all already … she’s perfect as Hannah ;)
Max Fercondini as Eric (without the facial hair though)
What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
One sentence? Too hard. Try this:
Hannah lives under the control of her violent boyfriend, famous polo player Eric. Until rookie Leo comes along and steals Eric’s spotlight and polo title. And now Leo wants to steal Hannah.
But I also wrote the query, or the blurb if you will:
Twenty years-old Hannah Taylor’s life revolves around horses, balls, mansions, tea parties, and all around lies. In front of others, her family and her relationship with Eric is perfect. But she knows the truth. She lives the truth.
When alone with Hannah, twenty-five years old Eric Bennet, a world famous Polo player, is possessive and authoritarian. Despite her best effort to disguise it, Hannah is afraid of him and of the power he has over her and her family.
Then twenty years-old Leonardo Martinez struts onto the Polo scene. A cocky rookie with a messy life of his own, he isn’t fazed and keeps staring at Hannah, even when Eric makes it clear she is his and he’ll do whatever it takes to keep it that way. Hannah suffers for Eric’s jealousy, and it only gets worse when Leonardo swipes the title of best Polo Player in the World from under Eric’s feet.
But the title isn’t enough for Leonardo. He wants Hannah too. And she can’t deny her attraction to him either. Somehow, she must find a way to break free from abusive Eric, before he breaks every bone in her body. Literally.
Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
Probably self-pubbed. I’m writing it and planning all the steps to self-pub it … but if in the way some agent come after me (HA!), I might think about it =P
How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
Hm, I just started writing it …
What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
Another hard one. Maybe Delicate by Steph Campbell, but that’s YA. And maybe Thoughtless by S.C. Stephens because she’s torn between two relationships and she can’t seem to escape neither.
Who or what inspired you to write this book?
It began with the music video linked above. And it also continued when I started researching more about Polo. I found out about Facundo Pieres, a famous polo player, who plays with his brothers, and his father was also famous. They have a tight family and they always look too good together ;)
What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
Hot guys playing polo. Horses. Ranches. A happy family. A broken family. A broken girl. A broken horse. Domestic violence. Tears. Romance. Kissing. Rolling in the hay.
AND my super talented cover designer got me a freaking PHOTOSHOOT for this. So expect an amazing cover!
Here are the fabulous writers I’ve tagged to tell you about their Next Big Thing! My NA sisters:
– L.G. Kelso
– Victoria Smith
– Carrie Butler
– Summer Lane
– Jaycee DeLorenzo
– Bailey Kelsey – not an official NA sister anymore, but still part of the team ;)
It’s great to know a bit more about what you’re writing these days. Happy first drafting!
Great post, Juliana! Breaking the Reins sounds intriguing! I definitely want to read more NA/YA contemporary. Happy writing!
A ranch and a roll in the hay? I’m intrigued! :) And thanks for the tag!
Sounds great, Juliana! I don’t know a thing about polo, so that sounds like an interesting background for a romance.