My NA Sister, Summer Lane, hijacked my blog!
I don’t know how it happened. Nobody does. There are only theories, empty rhetoric and doomsday prophecies. None of them are right, but none of them are completely wrong, either. They all have a grain of truth.
All I know is where I was and what I was doing when it happened.
I’ve always been the kind of person that likes to start right in the middle of things. Which is why, I guess, I began State of Emergency at the moment an electromagnetic pulse disabled the United States, crippling its technology. I wanted the beginning of the book to grip people and make them wonder, “What’s going to happen now? How are people going to survive?” So I came up with Cassidy Hart, the main protagonist of the story and the girl we follow as she struggles to survive in the new world, find her missing father and deal with her feelings for the man she’s falling in love with.
Cassidy Hart
Cassidy has been floating around as a character in my head for at least four years – now she’s finally seeing the light of day. She’s nineteen, thinks she knows everything, and for that reason she’s pretty naïve about the dark side of the world. When she gets separated from her father after the EMP hits, she’s forced to grow up. What I like about Cassidy is that she’s the kind of character you’d want to be best friends with – you know she’d always have your back, and even if she’s a little confused, she’ll end up doing the right thing in the end. She’s got spunk.
Chris Young
Chris was a little bit harder of a character to write. I needed him to be somebody who was old enough to have had a lot of experience as a soldier so he could believably help Cassidy survive in a world that turned into an active warzone. So I made him almost ten years Cassidy’s senior, and because I love sailors, I made him a former Navy Seal. He’s the guy who has the answers when Cassidy doesn’t. He’s also pretty hot, which doesn’t hurt anything.
State of Emergency was originally going to be a NaNoWriMo book that I saved in my “Creative Writing” file on my computer and never looked at again. It was something I wrote for fun. I never thought I would actually be publishing this book, but here I am! And I’m so happy about it. J
You can read the prologue for State of Emergency at:
Book Synopsis:
Cassidy Hart is your typical High School graduate: A little shy, a little sarcastic, and a little naive. But when an electromagnetic pulse takes down the United States, she’s forced to kick into full survival mode when she gets separated from her father.
Yeah. Things suck.
But with the help of a handsome soldier named Chris, she just might find her dad without getting into serious trouble.
Emphasis on might.
Oh. And there’s the matter of avoiding getting killed in a world that’s quickly turned into an active war zone.
It’s going to change Cassidy’s life.
It’s going to be a major pain in the butt.
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Author Bio:
Summer Lane is the author of the YA/NA Dystopian Romance, State of Emergency. She is a freelance writer, editor and lover of all things feline. Summer is also the author of Snappy Social Networking: How to Dominate the Blogosphere & Everything in Between. In her spare time, Summer is the creator of the online magazine/blog, Writing Belle, in addition to being a frequent contributor at NA Alley, a website dedicated to all things New Adult.
Summer began writing when she was 13 years old, due to the fact that the long afternoons after school were somewhat boring, and writing stories seemed to make the time pass a little quicker. Since then she has written many books about jungle cats, secret agents, princesses and spaceships. She is also a non-fiction writer, but her debut novel, State of Emergency, is her favorite book yet. You can find Summer hopping around on the Internet by following her on Twitter @SummerEllenLane, or on Facebook: Writing Belle.
Doesn’t it sound awesome! Going to get my hands on this baby RIGHT NOW!
Summer hijacked a lot of blogs today!
I did enjoy BORN WICKED by Jessica Spotswood.