I always enjoyed reading posts by self-pubbed authors who shared how much they spent to produce/publish their books, and then they shared the sales. It was … helpful, I think. I can’t promise if I’ll share about my sales yet. I think I’ll only know that once the book is out and start selling (*grins*) … but I can definitely share how much it cost me to edit, produce and publish Destiny Gift.
Cover = $195 (e-book and paperback)
Cover reveal = $30 by Giselle from Xpresso Book Tours
Blog tour = $150 by Giselle from Xpresso Book Tours
Content Editing = $75.89 by Danielle Crabtree from Hedanicreations
Line-editing = $ 145.65 by Danielle Crabtree from Hedanicreations
Proofreading = $73.41 by Danielle Crabtree from Hedanicreations
Bookmarks design = $50
Bookmarks production (+ shipping) = $45.70 by Overnight Prints
Formatting = $0 – I did it myself
Necklaces (swag) = $55 by Little Literature
Giftcard given during blog tour = $25
Createspace proof copy = $7.64
Paperbacks for giveaways (10 + shipping) = $48.60
Copyright = $35
TOTAL = $936.89
Before deciding to self-pub Destiny Gift, I did send it to other two editors for critiques and that also cost money. I decided to get those critiques because I was getting full requests from agents but they ended passing on the fulls. My CPs loved the damned story … and I even signed a contract to publish it with a small press, but ended pulling it out. I knew Paranormal Romance was a tough sell on the traditional market, so I wanted to make sure I had a good story here. Besides, I couldn’t see it clearly anymore – not after going through it 5000000000 times. After these 2 editors critiqued the manuscript and told me it was great, only a little tightening would do the trick, I decided to self-pub. So, if you want to add the critique of those two editors to my list, here it is: $328.
I’ll have more swag done by Sep/Oct, so that will add to the expenses.
Hope that helps!
Wow, but you have to spend when self -publishing.
Thanks for sharing! My debut novel comes out in May, it was helpful to see your numbers realizing I’m on the right track :) Congrats on your novel!
Very interesting! Thanks for sharing. :)
That was a really interesting post. All that money is worth it though, the main problem with some self pubbed books are grammer, spelling and plot issues that come from not having the book edited or proof read. Also blog tours and cover reveals get books so much promotion they are more than worth the money they cost :)
Wow, that’s a lot for a blog tour. The editing costs are really low though.
That is so helpful to share to authors, I’m always curious if I’m overspending in certain areas.
This was really interesting, Juliana. I’ve often wondered what kinds of costs are associated with self-publishing, so thanks for sharing. :)
Thanks for publishing this, Juliana. Yes, it is helpful.
However, I was taken aback by the low price of your editor. That is not typical. In fact, the Editorial Freelancers Association suggests prices that far exceed those you mentioned for a quality edit: http://www.the-efa.org/res/rates.php. Seeing the wide range of cost, I’m curious how editors price their work.
Best wishes with your sales!