Back in April, I shared how much I spent to edit/produce/publish Destiny Gift.
I didn’t do it with Breaking the Reins, and now it’s time for Soul Oath and Cup of Life. So here is a break down:
Breaking the Reins (110k words)
Cover = $195 (e-book and paperback)
Pic for cover = $150
Cover reveal = $30
Book Blitz = $30
Blog tour = $200
Content Editing = $211.17
Line-editing = $222.64
Proofreading = $111.49
Bookmarks design = $50
Bookmarks production (+ shipping) = $39.10
Formatting = $0
Giftcard given during blog tour = $25
Createspace proof copy = $10
Paperbacks for giveaways (15 + shipping) = $95.25
Ads (YABC and LandS Reviews) = $70
Copyright = $35
TOTAL = $1568.65
Soul Oath (85k words)
Cover = $300 (e-book and paperback)
Cover reveal = $0
Book Blitz = $30
Blog tour = $150
Pic teasers (pics + design) = $163
Content Editing = $78.3
Line-editing = $ 207.86 (includes Cup of Life)
Proofreading = $105.77 (includes Cup of Life)
Giftcard given during blog tour = $25
Createspace proof copy = $10
Paperbacks for giveaways (10 + shipping) = $48.60
Copyright = $35
TOTAL = $1118.53
Cup of Life (17k words)
Cover = $125 (e-book only)
Cover reveal = $o
Book Blitz = $80
Blog tour = $o (I won’t have one)
Content Editing = $12.34
Line-editing = see above (with Soal Oath)
Proofreading = see above (with Soal Oath)
Giftcard given during blog blitz = $20
TOTAL = $237.34
I loved seeing these from other authors, so there you go. I hope it helps.
This is really interesting to see. I haven’t self published any novels, so it’s good information to keep in mind if I ever get to that point.
It does add up. This is good for authors considering self-publishing – they’ll have an idea of the true costs.
It’s also good to keep track of this stuff, because all of it is a “cost of doing business.” Indie authors are considered freelance professionals and a small business, and this stuff goes against your profits. Keeping track allows you to show it as a business expense. Great break down, Juliana.
Thanks for sharing this Juliana! It’s wonderful info to have!
May I ask who is doing your covers and your editing for you? Feel free to e-mail me back in private if you prefer. Thanks!
It’s amazing how quickly the costs add up, isn’t it? It’s good your sharing this so writers thinking about self-publishing have an idea. You have to spend some money, to make money right? Have a good one :)