Hey friends!
To me, almost as bad as writing blurbs for books is to choose titles for them–that when I don’t know the title before start writing, which was the case of Everlast #2.
Destiny Gift was called Everlast at first, but after I had written half of it, I knew Destiny Gift was a better title. Then, I was having a lot of trouble choosing the title for Everlast #2.
Until I started writing it and thinking about the keys things that happen during the book, and talking to my friend Lauren (hi Lauren!) and it came to me.
So, I give you the title of Everlast #2: SOUL OATH.
And here is the blurb (careful: the blurb contains spoilers from book #1):
It’s been three months since Nadine last heard from Victor, Micah or Ceris, allowing her to concentrate on her own life. But until Victor and Micah find the scepters that will restore them as true gods, their human bodies will require her healing touch and it’s only a matter of time until they wreak havoc on her life again.
As if to prove that, Victor shows up at the hospital dragging along with him a swarm of demons. Nadine is forced to flee to safety. Despite her attempts to keep her loved ones protected, the demons find her, and they bring her to Imha, the goddess of Chaos.
Now, confronted by her greatest fear, Nadine finds a new motivation. Vengeance. And when seeking revenge, no risk is too great, including her own life.
You can add it on goodreads clicking here.
There’s one more piece of news here.
If you follow me on Facebook, you may have seen my post about a novella.
So, my dear editor suggested I wrote Soul Oath from Nadine’s, Victor’s and Micah’s POV. However, I wasn’t so sure about that. So I thought, I could skip the multiple POVs, but write an epilogue from Micah’ POV … then it struck me. I could skip the epilogue too and write an entire novella from Micah’s POV.
And this novella is called CUP OF LIFE.
Here’s the blurb:
He couldn’t bear living for eternity if she couldn’t.
I know the blurb is short and simple, but I think it creates the impact it should. And the readers following the series will get it.
You can add it on goodreads clicking here.
Both covers are on the works by the awesome Sarah Hansen from Okay Creations, and once they are ready, we’ll do a cover reveal!
An entire novella from Micah’s POV?! Awesome news!! I can’t wait to read…
Eeeee!! HOORAY! Titles, blurbs, MICAH…I’m in heaven. Or well, wherever he is. <3
These both sound so good! Can’t wait to read them.
Ah! I love it! Can’t wait for more =)
Congrats on finding titles for both books.
That is a cool title! Sometimes I find titles REALLY tough, but other times (like for the next series I have planned), they come easily. I’ve got all three titles for my next series and I haven’t written the books yet!