Blake Snyder’s beatsheet is my new blog feature. I’ll try to have posts like this every two weeks or so, Name of movie or book in 15 Beats, and I hope this helps you too.
Two things to keep in mind: I watch most of these with my kid and that means most of the movies will be kids’ movies and I’m not paying 100% attention to the movie. Second, I’m sorta new to the method and still struggle with the Theme, the All is Lost and Dark Night of the Soul beats. In case you have better suggestions, please do so on the comments. We can discuss the points and, if I end up agreeing with you, I’ll change my beats. Deal?
The Incredibles in 15 Beats
1. Opening Image: The Superheroes on top of their games, saving the city and being recognized by such accomplishments.
2. Theme Stated (4.5%): Have to be more flexible? (help here!) I know the movie is about reconciling their family and finding themselves, but I can’t come up with a pretty line for that ;)
3. Set-Up (1-9%): We follow Mr. Incredible crime saving routine, Buddy (a fan) pursuing him, and his marriage to Elastigirl.
4. Catalyst (10%): Mr. Incredible saved someone who was trying to commit suicide–law suit.
5. Debate (10-22.5%): Fastforward. Bob wants to be Mr. Incredible again, but can’t. He wished he was super still. Family going down the drain.
6. Break Into Two (22.5%): He’s fired and received the package from Mirage with the mission–he accepts it.
7. B Story (27%): Bob and being okay with himself again? Bob and his career?
8. Fun and Games (27-50%): Bob is fighting robots, training, buying nice things, playing with family. He goes to Edna for a new suit.
9. Midpoint (50%): Helen (Elastigirl) thinks he’s cheating on her. Bob goes to another “secret” mission.
10. Bad Guys Close In (50-68%): Helen finds Bob’s teared suit. Bob’s mission is a trap and he’s attacked by Buddy, now called Syndrome. Bob finds out other supers have been killed.
11. All Is Lost (68%): He’s captured and now his wife and his kids were killed by Syndrome.
12. Dark Night of the Soul (68-77%): Later, the four of them are captured.
13. Break Into Three (77%): Mirage helps them escape.
14: Finale (77-100%): Attack on the city. Battle. are supers again, saving the day!
15. Final Image (100%): They get ready to save the world as a family.
*Note that the percentages are approximate.
Loved this, such a cute movie. Fun to see it in the beats. Thanks.