My goals the past week and how it went:
- Writing: actually, this is going to be revising, instead of writing. I’ll get back to Amber Energy. I’m giving myself until Sep 15th to finish it. (I won’t be doing much Thur and Fri, though, since hubby will take these days off work). Mon = short story. Tue = 66 pages revised. Wed = 46 pages revised and a lot distracted. Thur and Fri = nothing (hubby was home).
- Revise the short story (2000-4000 words) and submit to the Defy the Dark contest. Yup, it’s up here. You can read it online (only 4000 words, so about 20 minutes) and I would love if you commented and, if you like it, give my story a “heart”.
- Reading: read book #48. I started one book, went to up 30% then tossed it aside. It was craft but it wasn’t to the point and I was getting tired of going around and around and around … Then I started another (fiction) and finished it ;)
- Social media: blog at least twice and hop on Twitter from time to time. Done.
- Exercise: 3x at least. Five times.
I’ve been really down this week. Not sure why. There were times when I thought I would never write another manuscript worth reading/querying/selling … and I blame the internet for that. We (I) read some stories on twitter and on blogs that just mess with our (my) focus. I wish I was strong enough to just disconnect the internet during the whole afternoon and evening so I would never be tempted to peek and read and comment and stress myself.
At least hubby got home Thursday morning and he took Friday off to stay with me and daughter =)
My goals for next week:
- Writing: actually, this is going to be revising, instead of writing. I’m back to Amber Energy and gave myself until Sep 15th to finish it.
- Reading: read book #49.
- Social media: blog at least twice and hop on Twitter from time to time.
- Exercise: 3x at least.
My mother-in-law arrives Wed evening and will spend 10 days with us. She and I get along pretty well and it’s always good to talk to her, but having her here means a lot less done on the writing and reading front. So be warned: it’s going to be a slow week.
That’s it for now.
Go check out the other ROWers! Have a great week!
I’m so glad your hubby is home, happy day. You are moving forward and doing so well. I know what you mean about the internet, sometimes it lifts me up and sometimes it pushes me down. I guess it is up to me to determine the truth for me. No one is ever at the same place at the same time. Of course some pressure is good, it keeps us moving forward, but we need to cut the rest. Have a great week with your family.
Bet you still get a lot done! And glad your husband is home.
I so get it about the internet being a source of frustration. It often drains my writing energy, both from distraction and changing my outlook. I need to disconnect, write first. Thanks for the reminder!
Hope revisions go well!
I’m jumping around and reading ROW80 blogs instead of writing one, since I’ve already decided my Sunday check in will be Monday. Summer has made me “off” that way!
I hearted your story…Congratulations! Just getting it out there and posted is a huge achievement. :-)
Sorry to hear that you were feeling down, Juliana! *hugs* But yes, the interent can be a frustrating place at times.
I haven’t tried it myself yet, but I recently heard about a program called “Freedom” that will shut down your internet connection for a period of time that you set. Maybe worth a try?
Good luck on the revisions and hope you feel better soon!
Congratulations on your progress on your goals! I know what you mean about Internet stories making you doubt your talent, saleability, potential, etc. At the end of the day all that really matters is that a book is good, not that it fits into trends. If you want to be remembered as a writer for all time, it’s not about writing to trends.
Ah! I so need to read your short story. I can’t wait to read it :D
I think a lot of people have been feeling down lately…I know I have. There must be some Writers’ Sadness going around! I’m sure things will get better though :)
Yeah for getting your short story out there and for keeping up with your revision schedule! I’m glad to hear your husband is home :) And don’t let the internet get you down! Have a lovely week…
Congrats on getting the short story out there! Woo-hoo! Your progress looks wonderful, but I understand the slow week coming up. I’ve also been a little down lately and not getting much done. Maybe it’s the end-of-summer funk. I’m rather jealous of your exercise progress; I need some of that energy. Have a great week, Juliana! Recharge and get to revising again. :)
It sounds to me like you’re really driving yourself in the right direction. I wish I had the time to read 65 books in one year. Between my wife, kids, job, youth group, and other obligations, I barely have time to spare. Congrats on all the great progress, and good luck keeping it going with your mother-in-law around!