Hello all!
Welcome back for another ROW80 and NTS update.
My goals for the past week and how it went:
- Writing: Monday and Tuesday, continue revising my manuscript (and finish it, then put it aside to get some distance from it). Wed, start outlining/writing something else (DG#2, maybe?). Well, this week didn’t go as planned but I’m not complaining. I stopped revising Amber Energy on Monday. I just needed a break from it, you know. So Tuesday I started working on a short story for a contest (see bellow this section about) it. I researched and came up with loose outlines. Wed, I read all day—had to finish a book that was released on Tuesday lol And Thu and Fri, I worked on the short story. Sent it to 3 CPs, and 2 already got it back to me ;)
- Reading: read book #45 and I probably should update my goodreads challenge to a higher number. Read books #45, #46, and #47. As for the goodreads challenge, I updated and increased the number of books I want to read in 2012, but perhaps I still should increase more. I also read 20 pages from one CP’s manuscript, and 30 pages of another CP’s manuscript.
- Social media: blog at least twice and hop on Twitter from time to time. Done.
- Exercise: 3x at least. Went to the gym 5 times.
On Monday I found out about a short story contest called Defy the Dark. The prize is to be published on a Harperteen anthology! The deadline is Sept 1st. So, even knowing my chances are low, I wrote something for it and will enter the contest. Wish me luck!
Hubby comes back next Thursday! Can’t wait … I miss him terribly. But then his Executive MBA starts on Monday and they are going to squeeze one trimester in two weeks, making it very intense. Then it goes back to the regular schedule: Fridays and Saturdays. But I’m trying to keep in mind that this is going to be worth it. Only 18 months and he’ll have something extra on his curriculum.
Changing subjects, I want to thank Lauren Garafalo for revising my query, more than once. You rock, girl! THANK YOU!
My goals for next week:
- Writing: actually, this is going to be revising, instead of writing. I’ll get back to Amber Energy. I’m giving myself until Sep 15th to finish it. (I won’t be doing much Thur and Fri, though, since hubby will take these days off work).
- Revise the short story (2000-4000 words) and submit to the Defy the Dark contest.
- Reading: read book #48.
- Social media: blog at least twice and hop on Twitter from time to time.
- Exercise: 3x at least.
Go support the other ROWers too! Have a great week!
Hey, don’t discount your chances in that contest – you just never know. And glad your husband will be home soon!
You had a fabulous week and it’s one more down before the hubs gets back. Nice. Hope this one is even better.
Aw, I can’t enter the contest :( I was quite interested in it.
Good luck with your entry and I hope you get chosen! :) Short stories are always a nice way to start out in publishing. And congrats with your achievements this week. Keep up the great work!
Good luck on the contest! Did you go with a particular genre?
Good luck in the competition. It’s amazing that you entered. Well done and good luck with the goals for the coming week.
Wishing you luck for the short story contest, and glad hubby’s heading home.
As far as revising, sometimes taking a break can give you the fresh perspective you need to make the piece better.
Sounds like a great week (kudos on the 5x exercise).
A change is as good as a rest so goodi idea to stop editing Amber Energy and do something else.
Have a great week my sweet!
Good luck with the short story competition! Taking a break from revising is always a good idea, then you can go back to your MS with a fresh outlook. And happy to hear your husband will be home soon :) Have a good week and happy writing/revising!
Ohmygosh, how do you read so much?! My goal on Goodreads for the entire YEAR is only 40 books, and I’m currently 6 books behind! Only having time to read a few pages before I fall asleep at night is NOT ideal …
Good luck with the Defy the Dark contest :)
Wow, wow, wow. I am impressed. I am also rather jealous of all that reading! I can’t seem to get enough time to make it through the books in my TBR pile. Best wishes with the edits and the short story. You had a great week, Juliana, and I hope you have yet another! (And another and another and…)
Wow! Look at you and your goals! Awesome!