Hello all!
Welcome back for another ROW80 and NTS update.
My goals for the past week and how it went:
- Writing: continue revising my manuscript. This wasn’t the best week for this. I don’t know why but I wasn’t feeling my story, but I pushed through. Again, I added at least 1500 words each day, and cut and polished a few things.
- Reading: finish books #38 and #39 (goodreads challenge). I actually read books #38, #39, #40, #41, #42, #43, #44 (most of them were really short, like novelettes, though).
- Social media: blog at least twice and hop on Twitter from time to time. Done
- Exercise: 3x at least. Four times.
I don’t have anything new to tell other than the update. Hubby is still travelling for work, and I hate it. Daughter is doing well and making me laugh tons. And I’m working (aka writing/revising) when I can.
My goals for next week:
- Writing: Monday and Tuesday, continue revising my manuscript (and finish it, then put it aside to get some distance from it). Wed, start outlining/writing something else (DG#2, maybe?).
- Reading: read book #45 and I probably should update my goodreads challenge to a higher number.
- Social media: blog at least twice and hop on Twitter from time to time.
- Exercise: 3x at least.
Go support the other ROWers too! Have a great week!
Sounds like a good week to me!
It still sounds like a great week. I like the idea of writing or working on a project for certain days. Might try that out.
You’re still doing well, that’s great. Revising can get a bit boring, so I think your idea of putting aside your MS for a few days is a good one. And good job on your reading challenge! Have a great week :)
Great job on your goals. Seven books, even short ones, in a single week is an awesome accomplishment, nicely done! Keep up the fantastic work, Juliana :)
Super job on meeting your goals! When you take a pie out of the oven, every good cook will tell you to let it cool. Same thing with a manuscript. That cooling off period enables your mind to see (and hear) the necessary revisions. I always find stuff I don’t remember writing. Best wishes for a super writing week.
Way to go on your goals! And especially for pushing through when you weren’t feeling your story. That’s hard.
Good luck this week!
Woo-hoo for your week! Especially the reading–which is where I am really struggling. I have thought about just grabbing my books, going to the beach, and not returning until I am done! Sounds lovely, doesn’t it? But my family probably wouldn’t go for that. Maybe after the kids start school… :)
You’re having a great round, Juliana! Keep it upt.
Well done for pushing through even when you weren’t feeling what you were writing. And amazing reading record too!! Have a great week :)
Nicely done this week, Juliana. My hubs just got home last night and he leaves tomorrow until Sunday morning. Yuck. My boys will keep me smiling too, though. We’re lucky. Hope you have another great week.
Great week, Juliana. You’re really keeping up! Kudos for pushing through with the editing. You’re almost there! You’ll be able to take a rest on it for a bit and have the excitement of something new. Then we’ll really need to start a genre commitment phobia support group :D Have a great week!