Hello friends! It’s ROW80 and NTS update time.
My goals for last week and how it went:
- Writing: since my MIL will still be here, I’ll try to squeeze writing when I can, though I’m not sure how that’s gonna go. I wrote about 800 words Monday, another 700 words Tuesday, and about 1500 Wed. Got a full request on Thur from an awesome agent and freaked out (lol). I’m not even querying the thing yet! Fri, talked to that agent and she told me to take my time with revisions, then send the full to her when it’s ready ;) So I spend a couple of hours of Fri revising …
- Reading: read book #50. Read #50. Started #51, gave up on it when it was about 35% (with kindle). Then started a new #51, and I’m at 22% on that one.
- Social media: blog at least twice and hop on Twitter from time to time. Done.
- Exercise: 3x at least. 5 times.
My MIL left this morning. It was a fun time, even though I didn’t get to write much. I always enjoy her company, and her support about my writing is always touching. Also, the daughter loves playing with her grandma ;) The daughter cried a lot saying goodbye to grandma, poor thing.
My hubby seems to be enjoying his Executive MBA. Seeing he and daughter on school makes me want to go back to school too. Maybe I’ll go for that MFA in Creative Writing lol Well, someday …
My goals for next week:
- Writing: revising Amber Energy. Giving myself until Sept 15th.
- Reading: finish book #51.
- Social media: blog at least twice and hop on Twitter from time to time.
- Exercise: 3x at least.
I confess I don’t like holidays very much. It means I won’t be able to write since daughter and hubby stay home LOL but I do enjoy spending time with them! It’s a shame there no kid’s movie on the theaters to take the daughter.
But I’ll be on full writing (actually revising) mode on Tuesday!
Hope everyone is doing well!
Have a great week, friends!
Sounds like a fabulous week Juliana even if you didn’t get in as much writing as you’d like. Congrats on the full request! How exciting! Wishing you all the best for the upcoming week :)
COngrats on the agent interest, that’s brilliant.
Hope this week goes as well, or even better than last week!
Enjoy the time with the husband and kid anyway. Maybe have a movie night at home instead!
Congrats on the request!!! Good luck revising and with all your other goals. :)
Awesome, awesome on the full request! Best wishes revising. It still looks like you churned out some word count there. Keep us posted on your progress. Have a great week!
You still got words written though my dear and you could have easily not tried this week! And the interest from an agent? AMAZING!!! Have a great week and hope you meet all your goals!!
Congrats on the agent’s request! How exciting :) And yeah for writing some words even if you had a busy week! Hope you have a great week…
Congratulations on hearing from an agent! That’s great news. Even if you didn’t hit any of your other goals, that’s a great accomplishment.
And, you were able to hit some of your other goals, too. Great week all around!
Congrats on the full request. I’m excited for you. I know 3,000 words isn’t a lot for you, but that just means you spent good time with the MIL, so that’s great. Have a fab week.
Amazing news about the agent. Let me know how that goes. Keeping everything crossed. :)
Great word counts too.
Have a great week.
Glad to hear your visit went well…sad that goodbye is so hard. I can relate. My daughter left today. She leaves for Hawaii in a few days and will then deploy for ten months. Ack! I miss her already!