Hello everyone!
If you’re here and don’t know what ROW80 or NTS are, check the links ;)
So, here are my goals for the past week and how it went:
- Write: see below.
- FastDraft: write every weekday from 12:30 to 5pm and get LOTS of words down. Well, I was uninspired on Monday, don’t even remember what I did. Tuesday, I wrote about 3000 words. Then on Wed, my daughter woke up throwing up, so she stayed at home with me, demanding my attention and I got no words down (though I wrote about 8 blog posts and scheduled them). Thankfully it was nothing major—she probably just ate something that didn’t sit well. Thursday I wrote 3000 words and Friday I wrote 3000 words. A good count, yes, but for the time I have, I should have gotten more. By the way, FastDraft is done.
- Read: book #37 (goodreads challenge) and CP’s manuscript. Read book #37.
- Social media: blog at least once (besides check-in) and hop on Twitter from time to time. Done.
- Exercise: 3x at least.Went to the gym 4x.
My goals for next week:
- Write: every weekday from 12:30 to 5pm and get LOTS of words down.
- Read: book #38 (goodreads challenge) and CP’s manuscript.
- Social media: blog at least twice and hop on Twitter from time to time.
- Exercise: 3x at least.
My husband is traveling to Brazil today, to help a client with a machine that isn’t working the way it should. Apparently, the project is huge. He’s spending 3 weeks there, coming back to the US for two, then more two weeks down there. He’s pretty upset about it, since it’s not his responsibility, but he can’t say no when the president of the company asked for him specifically, can he? I’m pretty upset about it too. I hate it when he travels, but, in his line of work, there’s no way to avoid a trip every now and then. At least his mother is going to spend the weekends with him, so bonus for seeing our family ;)
That’s it for now. Don’t forget to check the other ROWers!
Have a great week!
Sorry you and your husband will be separated for so long. I’d be upset as well.
You did well with FastDraft, despite the interruptions. And you’re doing great with your other goals! I’m sorry to hear about your husband having to go on this trip for so long, I hope those weeks will go by quickly. In the meantime, happy writing!
I think it’s great that you’ve set these goals for yourself and that you’ve gotten your readers to hold you accountable in a sense. Letting us know whether you reached your weekly goals is a great way to make sure you do! Good for you. :) I understand what it’s like to have your hubby gone for work for long periods of time. I hope it goes quickly and before you know it, he’ll be back home again.
You’re doing great!! Especially with the things that have come up this week. Awesome words, blogging, reading, and gyming! Sorry about the hubby having to be away for so long. We’ll keep you company?! :D Have a good week, dear!
I love your word counts and the way you keep it open to ‘get lots of words down’. You should be proud of yourself and you even used your daughters sick day really really productively!!! Your gym going makes me feel bad but now I am on holiday I am going to make sure I go swimming and to Aqua aerobics. I WILL!!! Have a great week :)
Sorry about your husband’s trips. I’m glad he gets to see his mom though.
You’re doing really well on your goals. Keep it up and have a great week.
Keep up the good work! I have trouble turning off the “editor” while I write, so I really like the Fast Draft idea. But, I think I’m past that stage. My first draft was handwritten as fast as I could get the words down on paper. Think NaNoWriMo without a computer. The first draft reeks, but at least, it’s a starting point.
I hope your husband has safe travels and that you’re not too worried about being alone so much. Plan for time out of the house doing “girl stuff” like going to a movie he wouldn’t enjoy. Meanwhile, have a great week of writing!
Whoo hoo on that exercising goal. You’re really getting into the swing of things. P.S. You’re always an inspiration to me for my reading goals – you read sooo much! It reminds me that, yes, despite everything, I do have time!
Your goals and your ability to constantly meet them impresses me so much! I am so glad to have met you and count you as a writing friend. Really. Your stellar successes makes my small goals seem so easy, and then that makes me meet them because I’d be totally lame if I didn’t.
Good luck this upcoming week with your new goals! You’re still the #1 writing rock star I know.
I hate when my hubby’s gone for long business trips. Best wishes that the absence feels brief and y’all get through okay.
Great progress, especially with a sick child. Hope your week goes wonderfully!