Hello friends!
Here are my goals and my progress:
- Organize my new home and my new schedule. Done
- Once my life is normal again (or almost), find a gym and exercise 3 times per week. Only two.
- Participate on Crafting the Sensual Novella Workshop from April 9th to May 6th. Done.
Finish revisingRe-revise my novel, DESTINY GIFT. I’m revising it, slow and steady.- Start a new novel or novella and get as far as I can with it. Finished the novelette, edited, sent it away. I started a novel on Friday (for JuNoWriMo).
- In June, participate of the JuNoWriMo. Started Friday and lead my first sprint that afternoon—barely wrote because I was so worried I would miss checking in on others LOL
- Read 5 books each month (year total = 60). Done.
- Social network: blog at least once a week (not counting #ROW80 checkins), comment on blogs every other day, and tweet a little everyday. Done.
This week, I had one less day to write because of the holiday. Yes, I’m the opposite of most people. I write during weekdays and not weekends and certainly not holidays. And Friday I had the same migraine from last week. It definitely has something do to with my cardio class. I should go see a doctor … but first I need to find one! That’s one of the things I hate about moving … to search for new doctors and find good ones, whom I like. *sigh*
Also, I critiqued over 120 pages for my CPs, thus taking more time from my writing. I’m not complaining. I love my CPs and want to do for them what they do for me =)
And I had more DMV drama. I lost 3 hours on Wednesday and 4 hours on Thursday running up and down, trying to solve my 3 last names issue. Those 7 hours were taken from my writing time and I just hate that. At least things seem to be going forward and will be soon solved and done.
But the more distressing news came when I went to pick up my daughter at the daycare on Friday. The director was there telling parents that the daycare was closing and that Monday, yes, tomorrow, they won’t be open anymore! Even the teachers didn’t know about it. They were shocked! Can you believe it? Two weeks from my daughter’s Pre-K graduation … At least I work from home (remember, writing is my job), so I can deal having her during the day with me for a few days, but what about those parents who work out of home and have a difficult boss? The school should have given us time, told us sooner … It was so, so unexpected.
Now, I don’t know what will happen. I’ll probably contact the JuNoWriMo ladies and let them know I’ll have to skip on my leading sprints duty for at least a couple of days, until I find another school for my daughter or think of something else. I’ll fall way behind on my JuNoWriMo writing as well. My revision of Destiny Gift will be delayed too. And, I’ll not be able to go to the gym, because my gym doesn’t have a kids space or whatever …
One thing causing so many impact on my whole routine … honestly, I still can’t believe her school is closed. She loved it there. My daughter is so sociable. I can’t imagine her inside the house with me all day. Even if I spend my whole day playing with her, she’s missing out playing with other kids, interacting, learning, sharing, waiting for her turn … ugh, sorry about the rant. I’m just very upset with the situation.
Let’s see if I’ll be able to get anything done this week. If I don’t, it’s because I was spending quality time with my daughter, which is VERY important! I’ll tell you all about it next Sunday ;)
Now, off to check on the other ROWers. Hopefully, their week was better than mine ;)
I’ve an acquaintance who taught at a daycare/preschool and they recently did the same thing. She went to work one day and discovered that in two or three days, she wouldn’t have a job after teaching there for over ten years! That’s terrible!
DMV woes? Oy! I feel for you. I split my married and maiden name with a hyphen…nothing but trouble. I wanted to keep my family’s name, but I’ve had a few ‘issues’ over the years. For starters, people at credit card companies have issued my card, omitting my first name altogether, using my maiden name as my first name, (which makes no sense at all…I mean, really???) It’s cost me precious hours on the phone and sitting in various offices. ARRGh! Sure hope you get it straightened out with minimal havoc.
Here’s to JuNoWriMo success!
Wow, that is incredibly rude of the daycare owners. And yes, I think our kids (at least for the parents that remember they have them) have the biggest impact on our worlds. It is very cool that your daughter is a sociable type and I while it will cause you to “fall behind” the time with her is one thing you can never get back – unlike the writing progress. Perhaps the two of you can write stories together – meaning she writes or colors or something next to you while you work. Did that with mine when they were younger and it at least allows for some progress if you can work in concentrated bursts (which somehow I think you can).
Hoping all the best for you in the coming week, Juliana :)
I’m guessing financial trouble but, wow, talk about no notice! Of course, I once showed up to drop my kids off to find foreclosure tape across the door…thank goodness I had an understanding boss and a MIL able to drop everything. Crossing fingers everything works out for you! I will say, some of my most productive days over the summer have been the ones where we go to a park. The kids play and I can write :)
Wishing you all the best this week!
Wow, what a crazy week, and junowrimo on top of that too!!! Good luck with everything. Things will get better!
Oh, wow, that sucks having the day care center close down so suddenly like that! The universe will have to forgive you loads of fewer words for that. And good on you for keeping up with critique partners. I swear we learn nearly as much critiquing as we do writing. :)
Good luck in finding new day care for your daughter that she will love just as much! And HUGE congrats on all your progress despite the setbacks!
You are absolutely right, they should have given everyone more notice. My heart goes out to you and your daughter. Hopefully this leads you down and even better path. Good luck!! My fingers are crossed for you on the DMV. Other than this road bump, things are going really well. Yeah!
I find I get migraines when it’s really warm and I do a lot of exercise without rehydrating. Yep the old dehydration gets to me and gives me a migraine. My boyfriend and doctor didn’t believe it when I said I thought that was the reason (I was already drinking about 2 1/2 litres a day) but I kept a diary and found it was true. Give drinking a bit more water during/after the gym a try!
Poor you/your daughter to get that news. I can’t believe you had no notice either. I hope you find something for her soon!
Juliana, I’d want to commit violence on those daycare people. Seriously. Like you, we don’t have a ton of family nearby so changes in scheduling hurt badly. Plus, it’s terribly unprofessional.
Recurring headaches aren’t good or fun. The best place I’ve found for referrals are the doctors so if you can get one, you’ll get the others. I’d find a good GYN first and get the headache referral from there.
Good luck, and we hope to see you during Fast Draft. :-)
I cannot believe that about the daycare! How can that happen? They must have had some warning. Glad you are ok as you can have your daughter at home with you :) Fingers crossed you find somewhere new for her soon.
I understand it will throw your schedule especially with demands of JuNoWriMo so I hope you can still get some writing done. If anyone can do it you can!!
Hey, best of luck, Juliana. I know you’ll get it figured out soon. And you’ll get caught up with your writing and editing in no time!
I also write on weekdays so that time is very important. This summer, however, I may need to change that with my kids home from school.
Best wishes finding another, more reliable daycare for your daughter. What a crazy situation. They definitely should have given more notice.
You did great on your goals!
Thank guys for the concern!
Apparently things will work out better than expected this week and I’ll have better news next Sunday!
Hi Juliana, sorry to hear about your daughter’s daycare… It seems unbelievable. I hope things will sort themselves out very quickly. And I hope you’ll be able to keep writing in the meantime. Have a good week and happy JuNoWriMo…
Goodness! The nice thing about month & summer long writing contests, though, is that losing a few days isn’t the worst thing that could happen to you. I hope you find a great new school for your daughter, and as long as she’s as sociable as you say she is, I’m sure she’ll love the new place just as much.
Have a good new week and best of luck with JuNoWriMo & NtS — keeping going, even if it’s not the normal amount of productivity, is better than doing nothing & losing all motivation. (Which is, admittedly, my weakness.)
I know you are crazy busy lately, I just wanted to let you know that there is an award for you on my blog, feel free to stop by sometime to pick it up! :)
Wishing you sweet times with your daughter and a dedicated muse for June’s NaNo. I didn’t have the guts to try NaNo with my three kids home for summer, but I sure hope to do NaNo in November.