If you’re here for my entry for the Curiosity Quills contest, click here.
Hello friends!
Here are my goals and how I’m doing:
- Organize my new home and my new schedule. Done.
- Once my life is normal again (or almost), find a gym and exercise 3 times per week. Done.
- Participate on Crafting the Sensual Novella Workshop from April 9th to May 6th. Done.
- Finish revising my novel, DESTINY GIFT. Done. BUT IT’LL COME BACK NEXT WEEK!
- Start a new novel or novella and get as far as I can with it. I finished the novelette, revised it, sent it off to betas and CPs (got back from one already). This week I plotted, outlined, revised and revised again, and also wrote a total of 4800 words toward a new novella. I had planned writing another 2k to 3k on Friday, but I was assaulted by a migraine late morning, and, when I went to bed, it was still going strong. It was a terrible day … it had been a while since I last had a migraine like that. Hope it stays away for a long while this time too lol
- In June, participate of the JuNoWriMo. Waiting for June.
- Read 5 books each month (year total = 60). On track.
- Social network: blog at least once a week (not counting #ROW80 checkins), comment on blogs every other day, and tweet a little everyday. Done.
And the revisions of DESTINY GIFT are back, yes. Next week, you’ll see me tackling into it ;)
Peeps from the afternoon #ROW80 sprints: I’ll try to continue participating, but I’ll be leading sprints through the JuNoWriMo twitter account from 1pm to 4pm on weekdays (EST) during the month of June … so, I’ll be online in 2 accounts and try to do sprints on both lol Let’s see if I can … if I can’t, I’ll drop our sprints, because I compromised with the JuNoWriMo event and I won’t start by doing something wrong with it ;)
And that’s it for now.
Don’t forget to check out the other members of ROW80 here.
Happy Holiday!
Hi Juliana!
Once again, you’ve had an impressive week :) Sorry to hear about your Friday migraine. I have read your entry for the Wilde’s Fire Editor-Judged Contest and I wish you the best of luck with it. Your query letter is great, it made me re-think mine… And I’m also going to participate in JuNoWriMo, thanks to you who mentioned it on your blog. Exciting!
Have a good week and happy writing,
EM Castellan.
I’m still debating whether to do JuNoWriMo. I can’t decide and I only have a few more days left! Ack! I need to think about this more today and tomorrow. Great job on all your progress-looks like you got a ton of writing in (a novellette and the start of a novella!? Woot!!!) Have a great week!
Migraines sidelined me a good bit this week too. But wow did you make up for it the rest of the week! Thanks for the inspiration, and keep up the great work!
Awesome job on your goals, Juliana. You are always an inspiration. Good luck with JuNoWriMo, I know you’ll do great and be a wonderful leader for the other participants. Have a fantastic week :)
Wow, time to set some new goals!
I’m not sure what a sprint is but it sounds interesting. Best wishes with the Novella and Destiny’s Gift. You are doing great!
So exciting JuNoWriMo is nearly upon us! Not that I am taking part but will be here cheering you on!
Have a great week :)
Kudos on achieving so many of your goals. Hope you have another spectacular week…and no sign of a migraine.
Fantastic week Juliana! Wishing you all the best with June and I’m sure you’ll be fabulous as a JuNoWriMo leader. Hope you have a wonderful weekend :)
Wow, sounds like you’ve been pretty productive! I used to be really good at going to gym – about 4 times a week – but then I started publishing … So the past two or three months have seen me going to the gym once (maybe twice) a week!
Fabulous week! Well, except for that migraine, grrr. Hope this week is even better, if possible and migraine free.
Best of luck as you enter the ‘editing-realm’…lol. Hope it all goes smoothly. How exciting, though! Another leg of the journey! :}
I so want to do JuNoWriMo, but looking at my calendar it isn’t going to happen. I’m so impressed with your progress, Juliana. Seeing all those goals with the word “Done” after them is inspiring. Keep it up and best wishes in June! I’ll be cheering you on from the sidelines.
I can identify with the migraine pain *shakes fist at computer*. Keep up your fab schedule!! :)
sorry about the migraine – bad – good on all other counts you’re doing well there – hopefully I will join your sprints in June if it is eastern time I might still be up – will have to work it out! all the best for this week -JuNO almost here getting excited again:)
Excelleng progress, Juliana! Even with the migraine (oh they sure rob time), you’ve got a lot done. As for “organize my new home and my new schedule,” can I beam you over into my world? I sometimes feel like I need to go on sabbatical to just get ‘er done in that area. Have a great week!