Hello friends! Welcome to another check-in for ROW80 and NTS.
Here are my goals and how I’m doing:
- Organize my new home and my new schedule. Done.
- Once my life is normal again (or almost), find a gym and exercise 3 times per week. Only twice. I was going Friday, but it was my daughter birthday, so I stayed home and played tea party with her instead. And I don’t regret it ;)
- Participate on Crafting the Sensual Novella Workshop from April 9th to May 6th. Done.
- Finish revising my novel, DESTINY GIFT. Done. (this goal might come back next week or so, and, if it comes back, I’ll explain why).
- Start a new novel or novella and get as far as I can with it. Wrote just over 12000 words this week. For someone who didn’t write Monday (don’t even ask why …), I guess it went well. I’m working on a novelette (paused the assassin novella for now). It should be done by Monday or Tuesday next week, if everything keeps going well.
- In June, participate of the JuNoWriMo. Waiting for June.
- Read 5 books each month (year total = 60). On track.
- Social network: blog at least once a week (not counting #ROW80 checkins), comment on blogs every other day, and tweet a little everyday. Done.
I’m getting better, feeling a little bit more motivated, though there are moments that I want to write so bad, but just stare at the damn monitor.
I saw a quote this week that I liked very much and decided to pass it on: “Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt.” — William Shakespeare
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12000 words.. and you guess it went well? Pfft. You totally did well. I’ve felt that way myself, normally at the start of my writing sessions. But I’ve learned to just start no matter how I feel. The words will come. Have a great week!
Thanks, Ryan!
Well done one meeting your goals :D Thanks for sharing the quote, I love it.
Thanks, Jani!
Congrats on reaching your goals! Especially for getting to 12000 words. Keep at it! :D
My, you are doing REALLY well, congratulations! I’m impressed by your 12,000 words (and not jealous at all) (hum) ;) Have a great writing week!
Hihi, yeah, but see, my job is writing … I should write more! lol
what a good week word wise – and so many other dones – splendid total – keep smiling and all the best for this coming week:)
12k, wow, great word count! By the way, a tea party with your daughter totally counts as exercise. I’ve been to a few and young girls are never idle, i.e. movement equals exercise. Keep up the fantastic work, Juliana :)
Yup, playing with kids is definitely an exercise hehe
Thanks, Gene!
Juliana, I see balance in your week. I really do. Priorities in order as well. Tea parties always come first. Well, in my house it’s not tea parties, it’s car races :)
12,000 words, wow, that might be no biggie for you, but wow, is all I have to say. Great week, hope this week is great too.
Car races are cool too! In fact, right now, when I’m going to A LOT of tea parties, car races sound like way more fun ;)
You did really good for the week! I think I wrote 2000 words. Maybe. And a day with your daughter is more important.
Thanks, Alex ;)
Chica….I had to check that word count several times! 12,000 words? AMAZING! And definitely playing tea party should take precedence :)
Have a great week :)
Thank, Em! I’ll invite you over for the next tea party ;)
Congrats on the progress! And I LOVE that quote–thank you for sharing it. I think I will go make it the background for my computer now. Or engrave it on the back of my hand or something.
LOL yeah, that’s a quote we want to remember, right?!
Wooh, 12000 words in 1 week? That’s brilliant – especially if you didn’t write on Monday. I’d chose a tea party over writing every time, and I don’t even have a daughter ;-)
Daughter comes first, don’t matter what ;)
Total awesomeness this week, Juliana!!
Great work on your goals, especially with writing 12000 words!! You are doing awesome.
I am going to start Eat for Life next month, and been trying to work out more too.
Can’t wait for Juno!
Wow, what a great week! It looks like you are in a groove, Juliana. And what a lovely thing — to have a tea party with your daughter. Cherish those moments…and that 12k-word week. Here’s to another marvelous ROW80 week!