Source: via Jenny on Pinterest
Hello all!
You probably heard about Roni Loren being sued for using an image out of the internet, right? I started thinking I was doomed and that my ROW80 and NTS updates would be picture-less from now on.
However, it’s lovely to see how the writing community get together and come up with something. Three friends of mine created boards on Pinterest with creative-commons images that they created or shot and are willing to share. There are Cait’s board, Jenny’s board and LeighAnn’s board. Isn’t this amazing?
Now I want to take a photography workshop and create a board like these ones too!
Anyway …
Recapping my goals for the week and how it went:
- Write: every weekday from 12:30 to 5pm and get LOTS of words down. This week I reread my manuscript, then started revising it with lots of adding and cutting, but I felt like it was good progress. I know I added at least 1500 words each day, and on Friday I wrote a synopsis too 93pages). It’s a bad synopsis and needs revising, but it’s a start ;)
- Read: book #38 (goodreads challenge). I’m actually reading book #38 and #39 and halfway on both. One is craft, the other is fiction and both are loooong.
- Social media: blog at least twice and hop on Twitter from time to time. Done.
- Exercise: 3x at least. Four times.
My goals for next week:
- Writing: continue revising my manuscript.
- Reading: finish books #38 and #39 (goodreads challenge)
- Social media: blog at least twice and hop on Twitter from time to time.
- Exercise: 3x at least.
Hope you can support the other ROWers too! Have a great week!
Thank you for sharing the boards, Juliana!
Sued??? I’ve opened that link in a new tab and will read directly after commenting. That’s disturbing…as I use images all the time to brighten up my posts. I’m not claiming them as my own, but don’t always tag. Maybe I’d better start!
Best of luck on your goals progress this week, Juliana. Happy Writing AND Reading. (I’m currently reading a wonderful romance…I’d been neglecting reading for pleasure. Gosh, it’s nice to get lost in a great story!)
Once again you’ve had a good writing week, that’s great! Thanks for sharing the Pinterest boards, that’s very useful. Have a good week and happy writing!
Synopsis are always difficult.
Most of my images are book covers and movie posters, and I’m sure no one minds me advertising for them. I did remove some images from a couple older posts and my sidebar though.
Roni being sued sure put a damper on my Eye Candy posts. :( No more good-looking guys on my blogs.
Great job on your goals! Good luck this week. I’m sure you’ll do just as well as you did last week. :)
The whole picture issue is scary. I don’t use many but I know I have used some and from now on….I will check before use!
Sounds like you have had a productive week and that is a great amount of words to add each day and I hope you whip that synopsis into shape soon! Have a lovely week!
I’m so proud of you for your consistant WIP progress. You’ve really been on a roll!! The picture issue is nuts. I’ve been seeing the article on twitter but haven’t read it yet. I do use pictures sometimes, so I guess I better get on that. Have a wonderful week, Juliana!
Cool, three more people to follow on Pinterest, thanks and what a wonderful idea. Awesome progress this week, Juliana. Keep it up you are a great inspiration :)
Thanks for sharing these Pinterest boards. This is something I’ve been trying to work around lately based on the Roni Loren situation. It takes a little more time to find creative commons pics, but I think not getting sued makes it worth it. :)
Thank you for the Pinterest links, your friends are amazing!! You are continuing a very fine roll this round. Well done.
Thanks for the photo tip, Juliana! I’m so glad Roni shared her story so other writers can take note. It looks like you had a lovely week. The revising process can be daunting, but I do like seeing the WIP really snap into shape. Hope your getting that lovin’ feeling with your book! Have a wonderful week.
I’ve always been scared using photos because of the stories I’ve heard. Thanks so much for sharing those pinboards. I’ve followed all three. I, too, need to take up photography!
Sounds like you are doing great on goals and hope you keep the momentum going this week.