Blake Snyder’s beatsheet is my new blog feature. I’ll try to have posts like this every two weeks or so, Name of movie or book in 15 Beats, and I hope this helps you too.
Two things to keep in mind: I watch most of these with my kid and that means most of the movies will be kids’ movies and I’m not paying 100% attention to the movie. Second, I’m sorta new to the method and still struggle with the Theme, the All is Lost and Dark Night of the Soul beats. In case you have better suggestions, please do so on the comments. We can discuss the points and, if I end up agreeing with you, I’ll change my beats. Deal?
Prince of Persia in 15 Beats
1. Opening Image: Sunrise with some wise words.
2. Theme Stated (4.5%): Not sure. Something about how the king chose a common to be his son. Having a pure heart.
3. Set-Up (1-9%): Adoption. Princes and uncle looking at Alamut. Meeting to talk about intercepting stuff from Alamut. Inside Alamut, Princess Tamina is shown they are going to be attacked.
4. Catalyst (10%): They invade Alamut.
5. Debate (10-22.5%): They have to find proof of Alamut’s treachery. Dastan finds the dagger.
6. Break Into Two (22.5%): Dastan flees with Tamina because he’s accused of killing his father.
7. B Story (27%): Dastan and Tamina.
8. Fun and Games (27-50%): Dastan finds out what the dagger does. Desert. Ostrich racing. Tamina and Dastan escape.
9. Midpoint (50%): Dastan talks to his uncle and finds out he was the one who killed his father.
10. Bad Guys Close In (50-68%): Uncle goes to Hassassins. Dastan tracking Tamina. Sandstorm.
11. All Is Lost (68%): At temple, they are attacked. Dastan’s brother is killed. The dagger is gone.
12. Dark Night of the Soul (68-77%): no dagger, no help, no brother.
13. Break Into Three (77%): Dastan and Tamina, and their new friends, go to Alamut.
14: Finale (77-100%): Final battle: the uncle kills Tus (Dastan’s brother), go to sand glass, booby traps, Tamina sacrifices herself.
15. Final Image (100%): Sunset with wise words.
*Note that the percentages are approximate.
Proving the movie wasn’t bad! (I enjoyed it anyway.)
I’m just reading Blake Snyder’s book now. I can’t wait to put his 15 beats to work. I’ve always had trouble outlining and then I get to certain parts of my MS and am completely lost. Nice post! I’ll have to go back and look at some of your other 15 beats posts.