Blake Snyder’s beatsheet is my new blog feature. I’ll try to have posts like this every two weeks or so, Name of movie or book in 15 Beats, and I hope this helps you too.
Two things to keep in mind: I watch most of these with my kid and that means most of the movies will be kids’ movies and I’m not paying 100% attention to the movie. Second, I’m sorta new to the method and still struggle with the Theme, the All is Lost and Dark Night of the Soul beats. In case you have better suggestions, please do so on the comments. We can discuss the points and, if I end up agreeing with you, I’ll change my beats. Deal?
Planet 51 in 15 Beats
1. Opening Image: Movie of an “alien” invasion.
2. Theme Stated (4.5%): Universe (life) isn’t scary if you open up to it. It’s amazing.
3. Set-Up (1-9%): Lem shows his space presentation. Lem and his friend Skiff walk around the city (we see the setting). Skiff and Eckle drool over the next “alien” movie.
4. Catalyst (10%): The arrival of the alien (Chuck).
5. Debate (10-22.5%): Lem finds Chuck hidden–to help or not?
6. Break Into Two (22.5%): Lem helps Chuck.
7. B Story (27%): Lem and Chuck’s friendship.
8. Fun and Games (27-50%): Around the town with the “alien”. They find Rover. Make “zombies” out of two dumb soldiers.
9. Midpoint (50%): Chuck is discovered and shown on TV as the brain eating type.
10. Bad Guys Close In (50-68%): Soldiers their way to Chuck. Lem and Chuck run. They capture Rover–they want to study him. Neera (the girl Lem likes) is disappointed in him.
11. All Is Lost (68%): Chuck is captured.
12. Dark Night of the Soul (68-77%): Chuck is going to be tested on. Lem is without his friend, without the girl he wanted, without the job, and having to lie.
13. Break Into Three (77%): Lem goes after Chuck–with Skiff, Eckle and Neera.
14: Finale (77-100%): Rescuing Chuck.
15. Final Image (100%): Chuck leaves the planet as friend.
*Note that the percentages are approximate.
This sounds like it can be fun :D
And I need to watch that movie!