So, my NA sister Bailey mentioned Noveling Through Summer on her blog a few times. Once, the challenge crazy me mentioned I would love to join. See, I was half-kidding, but Bailey liked the idea and invited me for it.
What is Noveling Through Summer, you ask? We are “embarking on a summer-long dedication to writing that ends with each of us meeting our individual, insane writing goals” (Bailey’s words).
Kenzie is writing a 200-page manuscript of her novel, a story of murder and familial ties. She will be writing May through August.
L. is writing two novels this summer — she plans to write the sequel to Oath Heir and the first draft of a new WIP idea. She will be writing in June and July.
Matt is writing the sequel to a YA historical fantasy he is currently submitting to agents; his word goal for summer is 50,000 – 55,000. He will be writing in June and July.
Bailey is writing a complete draft of #thatghoststory, the first in my Ghost Society series. I will be writing May through August.
And I will be finishing my spy/assassin novella (just started) and then another novel/novella … I didn’t make up my mind which one yet though. But like I told Kenzie when she designed my banner (on top of this post) and button (on bottom of this post), all my manuscripts have lots of action and romance, even if their genres are different.
We’re supposed to blog weekly about our progress, so I guess I’ll add NTS to my #ROW80 check-ins on Sundays.
Here are the buttons of the other participants. Mine is in the sidebar.
Don’t forget to stop by and see how I’m doing ;)
I was thinking of doing JuNo but as slow as I write, I might need to do the whole summer thing.
Good luck! :)
What a great idea! This appeals to me more than the JuNoWriMo challenge – which I now see as incredibly daunting after my 25k week. Best wishes with it, Juliana!