Free Souls by Susan Kaye Quinn
(Note Free Souls is not yet available on Kobo or iTunes)
Early Praise for Free Souls
Susan’s over at Amy Saunder’s blog today (12.14.12), answering questions about how she came up with the mages’ abilities, what kind of mage she would be, and all about her future works.
Digital Box Set
Since Free Souls is out, there is now a Digital Box Set of the Mindjack Trilogy for those of you who want the whole series!
Mindjack Origins Collection
Want more Julian? Wondering how Sasha’s ability really works? Looking for EXCLUSIVE DELETED SCENES from Free Souls? This collection of novellas, scenes, and other goodies is for those craving a bit more of the characters and drama of the Mindjack series.
Mindjack Novellas
Mind Games (Raf’s story)
The Handler (Julian’s story)
The Scribe (Sasha’s story)
TWO EXCLUSIVE DELETED SCENES from Free Souls (published nowhere else!)
PLUS Mindjack flash fiction, an (imaginary) conversation between Raf and Julian, and other goodies for readers who want just a little bit more of Kira, Julian, Raf, and the Mindjack crew.
one of FIVE ecopies of the Mindjack Origins Collection
Congratulations, Susan!