Here we are, the second check of Round 4.
If you want to know about my goals, you can click here.
Still waiting for doctor’s permission. If you missed what I’m talking about, you can click here and read the whole story.
I had a post out on Thursday, plus this one. So that added to 5 posts this week.
I’ve commented on other blogs to the point of losing count … and I kept commenting lol
And twitter … I’m on twitter all the time ;)
Speaking of twitter: I’m trying to follow all ROW80 members on twitter—yay for writers’ support! So, if I didn’t follow you yet, let me know.
I’m still reading Matched by Ally Condie. It’s not capturing my attention. I hate when that happens. Normally, I devour a book within hours. Not this one =(
Thursday: Four #1k1hr, plus some writing at night, to a total of 5031 words.
Friday: Wrote 3075 words, worked on a query and polished a first chapter for submission (ah!)
Saturday and Sunday are family time over here, but something unexpected happened: my husband had to work this weekend. That left us a problem: I’m in no condition to take care of my daughter alone (because of my leg), so my mother-in-law spent the weekend with us and took care of my daughter. I tried to stay clsoe to them, but they didn’t stop! When they went to the neighborhood’s playground, I was left alone with time in my hands. I read, I wrote 2 blog posts, I researched and I wrote. So:
Saturday: Wrote a blog post, researched, did one #1k1hr and wrote 1700 words.
Sunday: Did two #1k1hr in the morning and got 1593 words down. I plan to write more at night, so my word count will be higher when the day is done. UPDATE: I did one #1k1hr at night and got 1456 down. Total for the day: 3049 words! Woot!
I think things are going well over here—but it’s only the first week … I hope I can keep this up till the end =)
How about you? Are you having fun yet?
Great job on your goals, Juliana! Having free time to sit back and get more done than expected is always a wonderful gift and you used it well. I hope the doctor okays you for exercise but patience is the key to recovery. Heal first (spoken from hard-earned experience).
Have an awesome week and keep rocking the ROW :)
Thanks Gene =)
I wish you a great week too!
Great job, Julie. I’m sorry to hear about your injury – it’s got to be tough to have to stop doing something you love. Like Gene says, patience is a huge key to recovery. And you’re doing wonderful on Row80 – keep up the great work!
Yeah, Stacy, it’s not easy. But it could have been worse, so I’m thankful for that.
Thanks for stopping by!
Wow, ace word count! great job :)
WOOOOOW!!! That’s an amazing word count Juliana. Awesome job on your goals this week. Keep it going.
Woot! Thanks lol
Wow HOW do you get those word counts. That’s awesome. Now I gotta check out that hashtag. Haven’t seen it before.
Well, I quit my day day job over a year ago when my husband (and I and our daughter) had to move because of his job. We talked things over and I decided to remain jobless so I can work on my writing full time.
But of course, the daughter and my house take a lot of my time too.
As for the hashtag, you should check it out. It’s awesome!
Take care of yourself! Hope you find what’s what soon and can form a plan of action. You’re doing amazingly well with your goals, congrats. And, whoot on that wordage!
Good luck with the upcoming week :)
Thanks Raelyn =)
YES! I am having fun – are you? Your post made me smile… it is like “We are friends, somehow, even though we have never met.”
I am grateful to be “meeting” people like you via ROW80… and am sending lots of Word-love for when you might feel even the slightest smidge of discouragement.
I’m glad Julie =)
Thanks for the encouragement!
Awesome word counts! Too bad about the book not capturing your attention. I used to force myself to finish books I didn’t like. Now I bow out if after 100 pages I’m still not hooked. Good luck with this week!
I feel pretty bad about quitting it because I usually don’t do that. I think I gave up reading only 2 books during my 27 years lol
You are getting a ton of stuff done, both writing and otherwise! Keep up the good work!
Jealous of those word counts — nice work! Hope you can keep the energy going.
Thanks =)
Great job with your word count!! Keep it up and good luck with the injury :)
Thank you!
I have an MRI tomorrow, I’ll shout out on twitter about it lol
If you ask me, Elektra and Cheetara would be impressed. Great job! I hope the worst part of your injury is over and you can get back to exercising.
LOL love it!
Thanks =)
Sounds like you have a lot on your plate. But it also sounds like you are juggling just fine. Lots of progress. Keep up the good work!
Let’s just hope next week matches this one ;)
Wow. I am totally impressed! P.S. I have always been in love with the name Juliana. :)
I’ll tell my mother you like the name she chose for me lol Thanks =)
I have to keep reminding myself that it’s OKAY to put a book down that isn’t doing it for me. I have the compulsive need to finish books (okay, okay, entire series) that I just don’t like because I feel a need to not judge the author and *maybe* I’ll be surprised and that first (seven) they just didn’t find their groove.
Sometimes I’ve been surprised but likely it’s the opposite. And then I waste valuable time and money on books that I regret reading.
Keep up the good work with your goals!
LOL yeah, I don’t really like to put down a book.
I’ll try and push it forward this afternoon, let’s see if it works.
Thanks =)
bummer that matched isn’t lighting a fire for you. i have a tendency to finish books even if i dislike them. maybe because there’s a lesson in writing? who knows.
good luck with your goals this week!! – gina
That’s the same with me. I need to finish it lol
Thanks for stopping by!
Man, you are ROCKING the word count! Sorry about Matched. I just put a bunch of dystopians on hold at the library, I can let you know if they’re good :)
Do let me know!
Thanks for stopping by Jenn!
Almost done with Unwind, by Neal Shusterman. So good, but so creepy! It’s set in a future where parents can “unwind” their kids between the ages of 13 and 18 – which basically means taking them apart and donating everything from organs to limbs to brain cells.
Great job with your word counts, Juliana! That is sooooo awesome.
I’m not a fan of Matched — it didn’t do anything for me and I couldn’t wait to finish reading it. I have a review on my blog.
Lauren Oliver’s “Delirium” is, in my humble opinion, a much better option.
Hmm, I’ll have to check on Delirium then ;)
Wow – you are doing fantastic. I am so impressed and you are such an inspiration. I am so glad that your first week got you off to such a great start and I am hoping the momentum stays with you. What a word count! :-)
Hoping you heal up soon…
Me, inspiration? Nah, far from that …
Thanks for the healing wished and thanks for stopping by =)