First off, wikipedia has a nice superhero page with a list common traits and categories.
Supeheroes … who never wanted to be one?
We all have played superheroes when little kids … and adults lol especially after watching the bunch of superheroes movies coming out lately.
Having super powers, fighting criminals, wearing a cool/sexy outfit, falling in love with the cute boy or girl … aw!
Be it a solitary soul, a group defending civilians, a hidden society … isn’t it nice to give our character the powers we want? I love writing fiction, because we can do whatever we want with our stories ;)
Recent Superheroes movies in alphabetical order:
I simply LOVE Batman.
I love him because he has no superpowers. He has money, yes, and it grants him all his gadgets, but it’s all skills. Super hot, uh?
Captain America
Fantastic Four (I love a group of heroes)
Though, why Chris Evans is two superheroes, I’ll never understand.
Green Lantern
Now we want to see the Justice League, right? lol
I just hate, HATE when they change actors, I don’t care the reason …
Iron Man
Man, Robert Downey Jr. is a very. very hot oldie (he is not that old, though lol)
Not a super fan of Tobey Maguire, but I like this pic of him
I found this photoshop of the next superman, super hot Henry Cavill
Do we need to say anything about Chris Hemsworth? Perfect! *le sigh*
And the awaited movie of 2012:
Love the Avengers movie poster
If I could choose one super power, I really not sure what I would pick. Telepathy? Teleportation? Super speed? I’ll have to think about it …
And you? Do you know what super power you would like to have? Pick just one! lol
FANTABULOUS post. My keyboard got wet from my drool. Can’t WAIT to see Avengers.
I love superhero movies…it’s something about imagine any of us could have super powers and save the world…ahhhh….
Ok – only one power…hmmm…tough call but I think I’d have to go the ability to control the weather. Like Storm in Xmen. I’d love to have the body to wear her outfits as well. LOL!
Love it!
Awesome choice!
Oh, and those suits are great, aren’t they? lol