I’ve finished NaNoWriMo yesterday!
Yup, I did it!
My manuscript (I’m calling it G.H. for now) isn’t finished yet, but it’s near the end. About more 10k-15k should do it.
Oh, I would like to tell you two things:
- I didn’t wrote on 11 of these 24 days. Oh, yeah. Sick kid, sick me, holidays and weekends. Busy month, I’ll say. So, doing the math, I got 50k words down in 13 days.
- Well, 13 days if you count the novel I started writing but abandoned the second week of NaNo. That’s right. I changed manuscripts on the second week. The first ms had about 15k words on it when I switched to a new ms and went from 0 to 50k words ;)
Before you go “ohmigosh how can you write so much” just remember I don’t have a day job and my daughter goes to school at least for the afternoon, giving me lot of free time, of writing time.
Writing is my day job. If I don’t get a lot of words down on a regular writing day, it means I’m procrastinating and doing a really, really bad job. Which happens sometimes. I try to treat writing as my serious job, which means to write even when I’m not in the mood and through blocks and through colds. I just push it through. However, it does happen when I have a migraine (which is often) and when I procrastinate to start my writing section for the day … I end up going around the house, fixing things, cooking, etc … there is always something to do around the house … I’m getting better at this, though there are days when I slip a little.
Anyway, I’m happy I “won” NaNo!
And how are you guys? Done? Almost there?
Good luck!
Congrats, Juliana! Even if writing is your day job, this is an accomplishment to be proud of. :)
Congratulations! I didn’t participate this year, but I won NaNo last year.
Congratulations!! I switched halfway through too and I have completed as well! Way to go!
Fantastic! Congratulations on getting through NaNo this year. You did fabulous and I hope your health is better than a few weeks ago.
Congratulations! That’s really impressive. :)
What an ahhhmazing accomplishment Juliana – congratulations! I don’t care if it’s your day job or not, 50k in words in 13 days (or less) is astounding. I absolutely admire your perserverence and how you commit to your writing as your day job. Seriously girl – you rock and you make me want to commit more to my own writing and get it done! Wow – congrats! Seriously. An inspiration!
Thanks guys!
Your support means a lot to me ;)