A few months ago, I was introduced to A Round of Words in 80 Days by Elizabeth Ann West, whom I met through blogging.
As it’s written on the blog:
A Round of Words in 80 Days is the writing challenge that knows you have a life.
The 80-days challenge happens 4 times per year and the next one, round 4, will start October 3rd.
This community is actually more like a big cheer squad. You set up your own goals for the 80 days, anything so as it is measurable. If needed, you can change it as your life changes …
Since I’m all for encouragement and gathering with other writers, I signed up for round 4 (click here if you want to signed up too).
To view my goals, click here.
This sounds like such a great idea. I’ve seen this on several blogs. I hope you enjoy it. :)
Thanks =)
We have very similar goals. All the best and see you in ROW80 :-)
Thanks, Angela!
A cheer squad is a great description of it. And thr’s exactly what I need right now!
Isn’t? And it’s been awesome so far!
Glad you’re a part of it =)