My lovely friend Em tagged me for the Sunshine Blog Award on her latest blog post.
I’m required to answer 10 questions, then tag 10 people to answer them too ;)
Here are the questions (and answers):
1) Favourite colour? Black. I think 80% of my clothes and shoes and accessories are black.
2) Favourite animal? Dogs as in pets, horses as in pretty thing to see (and ride!), and dolphins if I had to choose an animal to be.
3) Favourite number? Not sure. Eight, I think.
4) Favourite non-alcoholic drink? Chimarrao. Don’t know what’s that? Click here and see it on another one of my posts.
5) Facebook or Twitter? Twitter is where I spend time with my writer friends, and Facebook is where I connect with my family and friends. Kinda hard to choose from that.
6) My passion? Besides family and friends? Writing and reading …
7) Getting or giving presents? I love getting presents, of course, but I LOVE giving presents too, specially when I know the person getting the gift is gonna love what I have for her/him. Let’s say I’m too generous …
8) Favourite pattern? Hmm, tiger ones? Really, I don’t know the answer to this one.
9) Favourite day of the week? Saturday because I can relax with my family, go to the movies and out for dinner, knowing there’s still the whole Sunday after it lol
10) Favourite flower? Red roses. Cliche, I know, but I love receiving them from my hubby … and he knows that too ;)
The Sunsinhe award goes to my lovely CPs and my awesome NA sisters:
If you haven’t yet, you should check my girls out. Go!
Congratulations! Saturday is my favorite as well.
Thanks, Juliana! First, I love black as well! Great answers, I enjoyed reading all of them.
Congrats on your award! And I think we share a wardrobe. My students actually cheer when I wear something that has color in it.
Congratulations on the award, Juliana! And thank you for passing it along to me. :)
Great answers…and I’m glad someone picked black for their fav color! Once I read your answer, I realized that I own quite a bit of black myself….never considered how much I seem to like that color before. Hmmmm. Ha!
Congratulations on the award. Everything I own is black. I should own stock in White House Black Market store.
Thanks Juliana! I need to get caught up with these posts. I promise I will soon and also give my NA girls the blog shout out they deserve!